Lebih Ekonomis, Kemensos Latih Warga Aceh Timur Membuat Kompor Rakyat



Nomor: 094/SJ-HMS/PERS/PP/3/2023

ACEH TIMUR (11 Maret 2023) -- Kementerian Sosial menggelar pelatihan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Bidang Usaha Pembuatan Kompor Rakyat bagi 15 warga Desa Seuneubok, Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Kompor rakyat merupakan kompor grasifikasi biomassa yang berbahan bakar biomassa ramah lingkungan dari alam yang hemat dan dapat diperbaharui seperti buah sawit kering, buah jarak, batok kelapa, nitas sebagai alternatif penggunaan kompor minyak dan tabung gas.

Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan di Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Aceh Timur ini merupakan arahan Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini untuk mengawal warga agar mewujudkan kemandirian ekonomi. Pelatihan yang berlangsung sejak tanggal 7 Maret hingga 13 Maret 2023 diselenggarakan oleh Direktorat Perlindungan Sosial Korban Bencana Sosial dan Non Alam (PSKBS-NA) bekolaborasi dengan Balai Besar Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kesejahteraan Sosial (BBPPKS) Padang sebagai UPT milik Kemensos.

"Sesuai arahan Ibu Mensos, pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan pendapatan masyarakat khususnya yang masih berusia produktif," kata Direktur PSKBS-NA Mira Riyati.

Pengembangan kompor grasifikasi biomassa cocok dengan potensi alam Aceh. Di negeri Serambi Mekah ini, merupakan lahan subur pohon sawit. Penggunaan kompor rakyat dengan menggunakan sawit ini dipandang lebih hemat dibanding menggunakan gas dan minyak, sehingga pengeluaran rumah tangga dapat ditekan. 

“Dengan ilmu pelatihan dan alat-alat yang diberikan oleh Kementerian Sosial sebagai modal, peserta harus dapat melanjutkan produksi kompor rakyat hingga menjual ke desa-desa. Bahkan nantinya diharapkan Desa Seuneubok ini dapat dikenal menjadi desa produsen kompor rakyat,” lanjutnya.

Selama 7 hari peserta akan mendapatkan materi pelatihan berupa pengenalan alat-alat dan material yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat kompor rakyat. Kemudian, peserta akan dibekali proses pembuatan kompor rakyat, dimulai dari cutting, drilling hingga bending. Selanjutnya peserta akan diajak untuk mempraktikkan cara penggunaan kompor beserta bahan bakarnya yaitu sawit kering hingga materi promosi produk.

Dalam kegiatan tersebut, juga ditampilkan langsung demo memasak agar para peserta dapat melihat langsung perbandingan penggunaan kompor rakyat dengan kompor gas yang hasilnya memiliki kualitas yang sama. "Demo ini juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan bahan bakar dalam kompor rakyat jauh lebih ekonomis," kata Mira.

Pembukaan pelatihan pada Selasa (7/3) dihadiri Direktur PSKBS-NA Mira Riyati Kurniasih, Kepala Dinas Sosial Aceh Timur Elfiandi dan tim dari Banyu Lestari Utama Energi sebagai narasumber pelatihan.

Humas BBPPKS Padang (Febiola Aditya Yusuf)


Ini hari Senin. Hujan sudah absen, sarapan sudah dingin, kamu menunggu: namun dikecewakan. Kata daun-daun kering di kamar, tak seharusnya kamu terus menunggu. Tentang seseorang, tentang janji, tentang kemungkinan-kemungkinan.
Kenapa harus ikut apa katanya? Seolah dia selalu ada? Jika tidak sesekali muncul untuk menggoda, lalu hilang saat kamu mulai percaya.

Ini hari Senin. Gelas kopi kedua telah kosong, meski lamunanmu penuh dengan angan-angan: ketiga... keempat... seterusnya. Kamu lupa. Kamu pantas jadi yang pertama, dan satu-satunya.

Ini hari Senin. Malam akan kembali menggantung dengan tanya-tanya seperti biasa. Sampai kapan, ya? Bukankah bisa dijawab sendiri, kalau tak pura-pura lupa bahwa ini masih masa muda yang penuh mimpi-mimpi. Lukislah, menarilah, berlari sekarang; jangan nanti-nanti. Tak perlu juga menanti-nanti... Yang sejati pasti akan datang sendiri.

Ini hari Senin. Peluk bahagiamu...
dan sisanya:


Life, Recently

So... Here I am. In the middle of the night. Thinking about how much I've going through these past months since I haven't write anymore. I can tell you that 2018 was probably the year full of people come and go to my life. I tried to love again, started to open my heart to another person since I keep pushing people away since my last break up in 2015. I've met a really well behaved guy, my mom liked him, but he was full of doubt about everything in life and he can't balance my sense of humor (yeah I know I have a really cheap sense of humor but well I can't stand dating a flat guy and especially, a Cancer, not anymore). I've also met a really nice and funny guy, I thought I've met my soulmate, seriously, he can keep up almost all of my lame jokes, we have common interest in a lot of things, we talked and chated naturally like an old friend. He gave me the most special birthday present I've ever got. We even met in Bandung, when he went there to do his things and I was for holiday at the unplanned same time. But, as time goes by, I felt so comfortable with him like a bestfriend, there were no sparks in our relationship. I kinda scared I would hurt him someday. So, I have to drew a space before it happen.

I feel lonely most of the times. But, why? I still push people away. I don't understand. Is it the sign for me to keep being alone and love my self more? Until the day comes and I find someone to love again. I don't know, I don't know.

Since I graduated, almost 3 years, my life has been gravitating only around my job that I don't even like. But who cares about passion anyway? As long as I'm not laying around in bed all day, being a useless kid and keep getting income everymonth, I'd keep doing this. I'm already feel like home in my current job. Also, this year I made a big decison because I take my company offer to takes challenge in a new position. Even though I have to work everyday with some amount of target hanging around my head every single day, I'm dying up until now but I believe I can do this.

Since I was a kid, my father and us (me, my mother and my sister) had been lived far away from each other. But in the middle of last year, my father had been going through some therapy to help him heal his Hernia Nucleus Pulposus (NHP) or in bahasa we called it Saraf Terjepit. My father decided to live together again in Medan. His desease keep getting worse. So, earlier this year, in January our families decided to get my father a surgery to help him (we don't have enough money at that time but Alhamdulillah, there is always a way if we tried). The surgery went well, my father is still have to do some therapy but he keeps getting better now. Alhamdulillah.

That day, the surgery went for 4 hours. From 10 pm to 2 am. My mother, my sister and my grandmother were there. We're waiting and praying, hope that my father would make it because the risk of the that surgery would probably cause a lot of unwanted things for my father condition. After the surgery, we don't know whether it went well of not, the doctor and the nurses brought my father straight to the ICU room and he will stayed there for 2 days at least. We only can saw him a while, freezing and his body was so cold like an ice. That was the most frustating time of my life. I was so scared, I cried and cried and cried every time I alone, at home and work until the doctor decided that my father could went back to his room. Fortunately, my father did it. He's so strong.

I also did the most stupid things with my life this year (what the... It's only the fourth month of the year but...) I can't tell what it was but I promise I won't do the same mistake anymore. I wish I could handle myself well, emotionally and physically.

I believe this year would be great. I will do my best. Bismillah.

It's Not About The Blue Fire

People coming here to see the Blue Fire, they said that is the best part of Ijen Crater. The Blue Fire was formed by the sulphuric gas and the high temperature, if you can reach the top of the mountain around 1-2 a.m you’re definitly could see it. Unfortunately, when I came here with my friends we took a long time to warmed our body down before started to hike. We reached the top at 5 a.m lol. 

But, no I don’t regret it because it was one of the most meaningful trip for me so far. When I saw a lot of old man carried a sulfur laden basket by hand going up from the crater floor and down back, they also sustain the weight on their shoulder. If we look closely over their shoulders, there are indentations due to the woods used to connected the baskets which always glued to their shoulders to carried them. They earn a lot but it such a dangerous work. 

While looked at their tired face and tanned skin, I suddenly remember my father. I don’t know how but because maybe eventhough my father didn’t do exactly like them but his job made his skin tanned too and he sweat a lot because he has too work outdoor, under the sun everyday like them.  It made me grateful and appreciated my father more. I was never ashamed about his job and never hide it from my friends. I am proud of him.

This is random tbh, I did this trip a long time ago but tonight, suddenly my mind fly away to my father and I reminisced about this trip. Just a little story but maybe you have this kind of stories too? Like, a certain moment or places you didn't expect before because it has nothing to do with them (it doesn't carried that someone scents, you never visited that before with them, etc) but it makes you think of someone suddenly? I would like to hear your stories too.

Have a good night :)

(Location: Ijen Crater, Banyuwangi, Indonesia.)

Malam-malam Biasa

Awan menggantung di atas kepala
yang menindih kasurku dengan lemah

Kepala yang hanya akan jadi gila

Sebab pada tiap malam yang biasa

Awan itu menghujankan berjuta-juta apabila

Kukatakan bahwa ini adalah malam yang biasa

Seperti kemarin dan kemarinnya lagi

Pagi tak kunjung bersedia menanak mimpi

Yang matangnya kelak berupa satu dering telepon dari bawah bantal,
dapat pula sebuah amplop dalam kotak surat dua dimensi.

Entah berapa napas panjang lagi akan kuhela sembari menanti


Penuh harap yang timbul tenggelam di antara ketakutan

Jika nanti hidup kehilangan percikannya
dan aku akan terus melewati malam-malam biasa

tanpa suatu apapun yang mekar berhujan apabila.